Solar system with or without batteries?

Our customers often ask us what is the purpose of adding batteries to their solar energy installation and what are the benefits. Adding a battery to a photovoltaic installation has several benefits and functions, among which we can highlight the following:

  1. Energy storage: The battery allows the energy generated by the solar panels during the day to be stored for use at night or at times of reduced solar generation. This provides a constant and stable source of energy, regardless of variations in solar radiation.
  2. Self-consumption: By having batteries, it is possible to use the energy generated by the solar panels to cover internal energy needs before resorting to the conventional electricity grid. This reduces dependence on the grid and increases the self-consumption of solar energy.
  3. Backup in case of power failure: In case of interruptions in the conventional power supply, the batteries can maintain the power supply, allowing electricity to be available to the home or business during that period.
  4. Cost reduction: By reducing dependence on the grid, long-term energy costs are reduced. In addition, some locations offer incentives and tax benefits for the installation of battery systems.
  5. Increased efficiency: Batteries help maximise the efficiency of the PV installation by preventing the loss of energy generated at times of low demand or when the panels are producing more electricity than is consumed.

In short, adding a battery to a photovoltaic installation makes it possible to make the most of the solar energy generated, providing energy backup, reducing costs and increasing independence from the conventional electricity grid.

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